红星大奖 2009

老实说,这一晚,还挺有趣的。。。 难得轻松 (因为无须为阶段性公布的十大名单而特别‘关注’。。。哈哈!) 我穿戴近十万首饰出席了这项盛会 ! (能把CARTIER的首饰打包带走就好了!) 开心的有。。。汉伟夺下了影帝,欧萱和湘萍挤身十大,郭亮获得了肯定。。。 感动的是。。。权大妈获奖的致词 不解的是。。。为什么XXX,XXX 会在十大huh? 一个颁奖典礼,交织出不同人的种种心情。 开心 失望 惊喜 愤怒 紧张 不屑 期待 抱怨 怎么样都好,终究也落幕了。。。 是时候拉紧发条,为下一届红星大奖努力了!大家加油吧! p/s: 噢!我也得奖了!PAUL 颁的。。。哈!到他网站去搜刮更多红星的精彩消息吧!

Oh my! Susan Boyle!

Susan Boyle must be one of the name that’s huge in the google search… I heard about her during my filming yesterday so, I decided to have a look ( or should I say ‘hear’ ) for myself… [youtube pQrSsWd9nzE&hl] Yes! I’m amazZzzed!!! Somehow or rather, hearing her…. I feel so touched… simply just the … Read more

Breathe Better Under Water

I dunno what does ‘underwater world’ means to you… but definitely, it’s getting more and more attractive to me… 🙂 [youtube DZFEr33XkY8] The diving clip of my most recent trip to Phuket! And yes, Mediacorp Mermaid finally went into the sea to have a swim… ha! Thanks to Jacki for the perfect arrangement. Apart from … Read more


To begin, I would like to thank each and everyone of you out out there, who had somehow or rather, given me the chance to be involved in your life. It might be a minor role, but I’ve definitely learned something from you… Over the years, I’ve met countless heavenly sent angels, disguise as ‘friends’. … Read more


朝阳东升 我 今天难得的轻松写意… Joshua 还是因为赶戏而忙得昏天暗地… 某某人 ‘恢复’单身了… 另一个 则套上了叫戒指的东西… 甲先生 百思不得其解为什么他会失业… 乙丙丁 却积极讨论该如何创业 创业… 接了一通海外来电… 解决了思考了几天的问题… 踏出了决定健身的那一步… 心情… 平淡了老半天 兴奋了几小时 不爽了几分钟 内疚了一阵子 夕阳西下 原来一天可以发生很多事情… 回家前到小老弟jj家走了一趟. 第一次看到了他聚精会神做功课的样子. 听是听多了… 总觉得他每次告诉我在忙功课是应付我唠叨的把戏. 坐在他身后的床上 看着他的背影 突然很有感触… 乖了乖了… 懂得为自己而努力. 是时候我该少说了… 静静地守着你,加倍的疼你… 小朋友, 长大了…

45载光芒 八方贺台庆

庆幸自己赶上了这班列车. 那么大型的台庆,电视台应该是第一次举办吧… 有机会主持这么有纪念性的节目,要由衷的感谢选角的决策人员. 好几个月的奋斗,为的就是这3个小时的节目. 辛苦了… 伟大的幕后功臣… 除了以上… 还有很多很多… 横跨几个年代的艺人, 还有参与电视制作的前辈们, 这一晚聚集在电视大礼堂, 回顾 曾经走过的路… 曾经挥霍的青春… > 还记得他们吗? 想念他们吧? More Pictures!

Sheng Siong 4!

We kick started the latest season of the Sheng Siong Show today! Pretty fun and exciting, with the brand new games we introduced, thousandX cash give away etc… The show went on smoothly, ending it on-the-dot! 🙂 Our special guest of the show, 2 friendly artistes from Taiwan 神木与瞳 – 黄美珍,赖铭伟. 还是同一句话,娱乐圈这条路不好走,尤其是新人. 星光帮出身的他们实力非凡, 喜欢好音乐的人记得多支持,让我们被更多的好声音围绕. 节目结束后到了乌节路一趟. … Read more

Superband 22/09

The last semi finals of the season. The top 6 teams involve in the competition. They pop by to render their support… The show goes on…. Then… mass photo taking session… And, the top 4 for Superband 2 Finals on 5th Oct! Are they your bet??? More picture in the Superband 2 album, click