45载光芒 八方贺台庆

庆幸自己赶上了这班列车. 那么大型的台庆,电视台应该是第一次举办吧…
辛苦了… 伟大的幕后功臣…

45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆

除了以上… 还有很多很多…

横跨几个年代的艺人, 还有参与电视制作的前辈们, 这一晚聚集在电视大礼堂, 回顾
曾经走过的路… 曾经挥霍的青春…

45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆>45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆

45载光芒 八方贺台庆


45载光芒 八方贺台庆


45载光芒 八方贺台庆

More Pictures!
Channel 8 45th Anniversary Show

15 thoughts on “45载光芒 八方贺台庆”

  1. wow!! so many pictures… bet everybody had fun that night… but i missed watching it broad casted ‘live’ on tv though… do you know when will the repeat telecast be?!

  2. Dear Desmond,

    That night as I watched the show I cried. Especially the “Tong Xin” part. They are the one I watched when I am young. That is our time “Kid Central” It bring back so much of my memories.

    Thank you to you once again for sharing the photo with us.

    Best wishes

  3. Know U got alot to say…but still want to “scold” u…
    Last sat u push me very shiok…lucky my cam handling skill is steady, manage to stable photo…
    Then Sunday my turn to sabo u and in turn become help u…cos u take the picture really look Slanted on the screen of your cam…hahaha 😛

  4. Hello. Thanks for the pics so much, they’re very nice! This gala is great too. though i’m young, but when i saw the part where MC King and the other 3 appeared, I almost cried. Tried so hard to hold back those tears. Great job in hosting anyway. =)

  5. hihi Zhenrong
    din post for some time…

    The pics were great, must hv had great fun!!
    I missed the show as my 1 week old baby nephew was having his 1st operation when the show begun.. He was admitted that day and had to hv that op done immediately upon diagnosing, might be going for a 3rd op today or tml… still under observation in ICU, haiz …going to be a long stay there. (doesn’t look gd though…poor baby.. and there’s nth we can do at all but wait)

  6. 许久没能好好的坐在电视机前观赏节目的我,很庆幸在23/11/08那晚有机会观赏到此节目,很温馨的一个台庆节目,颁发最有印象新闻播报员,节目主持和电视角色奖项是对曾经付出者的再一次肯定,那五位长大后的童星出场个也是一个很好的安排,我喜欢整个节目!来自柔佛州的观众。

  7. hihi,tis is the 1st time i view ur website~~thx sharing the pic..
    fann wong didnt make up oso very beautiful..haha~~
    dasmond,keep it up on ur life ya~~~

  8. 嗨!我们是马来西亚的忠实戏迷啊!


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