红星大奖 2009

star awards 2009 banner


Star Awards 024

Star Awards 020

难得轻松 (因为无须为阶段性公布的十大名单而特别‘关注’。。。哈哈!)

Star Awards 009

Star Awards 003

Star Awards 013

Star Awards 018

我穿戴近十万首饰出席了这项盛会 ! (能把CARTIER的首饰打包带走就好了!)

Star Awards 064

Star Awards 061



Star Awards 047

不解的是。。。为什么XXX,XXX 会在十大huh?

开心 失望 惊喜 愤怒 紧张 不屑 期待 抱怨


p/s: 噢!我也得奖了!PAUL 颁的。。。哈!到他网站去搜刮更多红星的精彩消息吧!

27 thoughts on “红星大奖 2009”

  1. hey! i managed to watch star awars here! 🙂 hee.

    anw, thanks for sharing the photos 🙂 i think you look good in your outfit!
    miss watching your shows, hope to watch them when i’m back in singapore! 🙂

    take care!

  2. Anyway, I think that your outfit that day was nice and it wasnt like what other’s say about the ‘Weird’ Outfit.
    And one thing is, I think that your effort would get recognised one day.


  3. since when jeanette become ur buddy? haha

    ( not buddy lah… just that after filming Princess and Prince with her, I’ve got the chance to underst her abit more. And in my own opinion, thinks she deserve the awards. Just that simple 🙂 – from 22 )

  4. 娱乐圈是残酷的,重要的是你的努力大家都看得到,你自己也知道你一尽力就好。。。
    要保持开朗和乐观哦!! 🙂

  5. thanks for sharing the photo ! .. i am a fans of jeanette glad to see that she has frenz in MDC like you =) .. got take photo wif her mind to share ? haha .. can share more photo

  6. 同意。尤其是十大男艺人。入围名单就已经不太对了。为什么陈建彬、alamak辉哥会入围。振荣你和戴阳天等年轻一代的男艺人都不入围?使得十大男艺人很没看头lehx….

  7. I agree with you Das. I also think Jeanette deserves to win Best Actress. And she’s really very pretty rite. Glad that she got ur support.

  8. 进入十大就是意味着受观众爱戴吗?未必!观众喜欢某些艺人但未必会打电话投他们一票。这导至有些人能够混水摸鱼,滥竽充数!十大并不能完全代表艺人受欢迎的程度。还有艺人们喜欢开咀闭咀“神台”,“神仙“,感觉很肉麻,好像把自己与神相提并论一样。不怕被人笑话吗?

  9. XXX or hui ge should not be in the top 10 list .

    Well, I don’t believe in voting by calling,we should select a panel(from all circles,even from Gov to private
    companies,ads agency of all walks of life & occupation).WE should gauge an artist from his skills,his professionalism,contribution to good cause(charity) & devotions to drama & acting.

    Some may just “pump in” their own money,just to make sure when they renew their next contract,can get a good deal,can get into the list to look popular.

    Anyway,what make a true star???Not numebrs,but his/her abilities to get into the role of a character & brings it to lifeThe awards is too commercial,should get an oversea panel that viewed those artists actings & review whether they make the cut.

  10. the happiest moment for me about the star awards is GuoLiang got the best host.
    disappointing in a way that he did not make it to top 10 though i made 5 calls to his nbr

  11. i still cant find out anything nice about that iphone… ha .. remember me ?? *GRINS*

    ( wardrope? – from 22 )

  12. I think it’s not very appropriate of you to write “不解的是。。。为什么XXX,XXX 会在十大huh?” Obviously it’s because they have more votes. Seeing you write this statement makes me think that you are having sour grapes. You should respect the people who got the Top 10 award, and not question it…

    ( I express my tots bcos I was not running for top 10, simply watching it as a viewer, thus can’t feel sour over it.. :), but I do agree that they are in bcos of more votes, which is a point I’ve overlooked while I pen that line. Thanks for reminding … From 22 )


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