
因为说多了会累. 所以按照自己喜欢的方式, 做你想做的吧! 🙂


因为其中一个老弟即将开拍一部有关乒乓的连续剧, 加上身边的朋友都喜欢打乒乓,
所以今天在另一个老弟的陪同下, 去买了两块木板.
磨磨擦擦漆漆油油的, 搞起了个乒乓桌.

Table Tennis

会不会派上用场都好, 老觉得挺有成就感的.
还不到S$100 的杰作 🙂



希望另一个小老弟会乖乖的, 开心的成长.
我想, 这应该是所有年长的都能了解的感受吧…

为疼爱的小孩插上翅膀, 让他们无忧的飞翔


[youtube sxiEMnrtGss]

迷路兵的新专辑 “三角行” 发行了! 多多支持!



疑问: 你到底有几个老弟
解答: 3 个
疑问: 谁?
解答: 翻阅我过往的博客文章便自有分晓. 要不, 那一天心血来潮再详细解答.

17 thoughts on “疑问?”

  1. table tennis is fun!
    but wow, quite amazing u spent less than 100$ to get everything done.
    “要不, 那一天心血来潮再详细解答” faster answer pls 😀

  2. Hmm let me thanks u for writing on behalf of them. Nice song & nice lyric. Who is the person who playing the guitar?? Sam?? This video/song is emo.

  3. So who is doing what that you dun agree? lol

    Joshua doing the drama so the table is painted specially for him… and you pen the song for the martial art bro JJ? Since he is the youngest of them all ( from all the clues in your blog ). Good job, wish you were my brother too…

  4. The song is impressive. Can feel the care & love from wad you wrote. Whoever gotta own it is sure a lucky chap. How rare is the chances of having a song written just for us? If he is reading, do good & don’t disappoint dasmond (:

  5. once again..
    thanks dasmond for this wonderful song tt u written..
    listening to it really warm my heart (:
    touches my heart.. heh.. i sure he ( ur small bro keke) will also feel the same too.. 😀

    jiayou le wor dasmond! 😛

  6. i shan’t comment on how good the lyrics is etc..
    everyone have been repeating tht..
    just wanna ask you,
    how did you manage to record the song?
    was it recorded in a studio or somethg?
    *i was faced with same technical difficulty before,
    so consulting you lo 😉


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