梁智强 之 做人

oh no… 编号2出场了… 传梁智强非第一次偷吃,18岁嫩草至30岁熟女都是“囊中物”

做人难? 人难做?










41 thoughts on “梁智强 之 做人”

  1. Mr Neo – Who were in your mind 2 years ago when u started the affair? Did you know u hurt your dearest wife and children deeply? U are terrible!!

  2. 他的人格,每个人都懂。人不可貌像。。又贱,又色,又‘猫’又自以为是!!! 不配当公众人物!!!

  3. 楼上的, 要大导演真心悔改?难吧?他的‘名声’所有和他合作过的人皆知。如今东窗事发,老天有眼!

  4. Ever since a few yrs ago I heard my friend’s personal encounter with this wolf, I started not to see his show and buy any products associate with him. Now all the companies that thought he was popular and good should regret. I hope everyone will boycott him, movies, products he do advertisement. He is just a jerk!

  5. Government should be the one regretted in giving him the award if they know what a person he is! Now that the chou wen is out, he sure have to act act lah… like a good man will change blah blah blah… super hypocrite loh!

  6. 对!! 老天有眼,不懂还有多少跟他有一腿或被他性骚扰的女人还没出来说话,应该数不清!

  7. 身为公众人物就一定什么都会摆在镜头前,不可能媒体只报道你好的一面,想你的私生活更会引大家注意力,所以不要只是说是个人问题,要求给私人空间,要玩,你知道会有那么一天!

    一个巴掌拍不响,人家22可以说太傻太天真,你可以吗?i’m sorry 可以吗?

  8. 呸。。。超恶心的,想想他的女儿和她的年龄差不多而已,还做得下去吗???。。。自以为才子的他 [道 德] 在哪里???

  9. sigh!!! sad to say jack neo is from our church….. really pity his wife alot but what i can say that some of the parts which isnt true… and my church pastor did when down for the confrence too… hope this time round he has learn his lesson …

  10. ya right… he wont have time to be remorseful.. if not it won’t be like now, A B C D all come out.. We can still do a pageant contest later… Ha Ha! He got no time to feel bad now, but instead, thinking of how to act as a ‘Good man’ in front of everybody to save his own as*! Everybody, don’t watch his show PLEASE!!!

  11. 有点惊讶!!还以为那所谓的模特儿是个漂亮的女生!! @__@”

  12. I m really disappointed w Mr & Mrs Neo. Feel v er xin w Jack Neo. For his wife, since she knew his husband hv affaire a year ago & why she just keep silence??? I won’t pity all the three parties, i only pity his children.

  13. Veri terrible man! Everybody pls Ban his Movies! Horny Piglet! Her wife N children should leave him! She is too young to know most of the man is looking for sex. Once they r sianZ! They will avoid u !

  14. 其实很多结了婚的男人都是这样的,只是因为他有名有利,事情才会被放大到很难看…

    如果因为他而不看他的戏,是不是对演员不公平?如果我是喜欢看喜剧的,我还是我去看啦。毕竟是他的人不好,又不是戏不好看。产品也一样,如果真的好用,我才不会因为他代言过而不买,那我不是错过好康??? 哈~ 大家要分清楚哦~ 商场也是无辜的嘛,他们现在知道了,以后也不会找他了mah…

  15. He is an animal… He’s immoral… What does he expect his pastor to do? No one can help him now… He brought it upon himself.

    Although I think his wife is the victim, she should have confronted him when she found out about the affair.

  16. 照目前的清单看来,猪哥梁的口味很大众化:高矮胖瘦`,美丑皆可,年龄不拘, 老少皆宜 。。。只要是免费的,随时欢迎!

  17. “猪哥梁”‘s new show should call as “老婆不够用” if he ever can continue his career.
    Never support him in the first place from the “Liang Po Po” and never watch any movie directed by him before.
    Dun you realise any movie from him is either gambling or “sex”. Think he is directing himself ba…
    “Zhi Dao” “Zhi Yan” then “Zhi Ji Kan”!!!
    Think the 1st “neng cao” also wan to bo ban mian… Think she can be like Chen Jian Bing & his “neng cao” meh??? Happily ever after…
    Soonest or later will see loads of “neng caos” coming to claim…
    Haha… all the best to you, “猪哥梁”!!!
    Think you wun be able to survive in this industry anymore…

  18. I know that many people out there thinks that Mr Jack Neo is at fault, yes, he is at fault, but does anybody questions the background of the mistress. She has brought down the name and reputation of models. She should know that their relationship will not lasts long because no matter what, Jack Neo will return to his family. Let us all know that human beings do make mistakes if not, then we are not even humans. Let us all know that we need to to be judged first before we can judge other people.
    I think this is a case of blackmail for Mr Jack Neo. Why has not anybody questioned the background of the mistress n.o. 1? We need to look at this from all angles.
    Look at the newspapers today. Many things had happened. Fathers raped daugthers, cheated cases, money scams, people have become more horrified because of money. I do believed that Mr Jack Neo will learn from this painful incident. Never ever go near woman. They are the source of trouble. I hope all will take a neutral stand in this incident.

  19. Now i then realise tat his wife is a stupid woman. How can she so easily forgive his husband??? She said she will sayang her husband n treat him as a baby. She throw Singapore women’s faces la. STUPID!!!!! I think now she shd go to consult psychiatrist & we shd thank tat 22 years old girl if not we will not knw Jack Neo is a hypocrite rascal. Will not see his movie in future cos wanna to vomit!!!!!!!!!

  20. His wife seemed to back him. She said “猪哥梁” is her 5th child. She knew him playing & yet she chose to close one eye. In other words the wife support him cheating young girls like their daughter’s age! WTH! They better go pray hard nothing happen to their daughter! 猪哥梁 must have given alot of money to shut his wife’s mouth!

  21. Cheapo guy, only pay her monthly phone bills and some cheap gifts, so cheap to have a mistress and even “had” her twice a week. Very silly woman lor, hey, whatever, he is still a aiyah director, as his mistress, not even entitled a condo, at least a four wheel to drive around. Silly lor!

  22. 不爱惜自己得来的一切,走到今天能有这些成就,就该珍惜。

  23. Jack Neo is guilty of “LUST”.
    His wife & children did not need to feel “pressure” from his act at all.

    Only Jack has to feel shameful and his integrity gone,that is all.
    It happened to men when they are “comfortable”(ie career,cash,house,fame,wealth)
    that is when they wanted “excitements” from all the routine & dull surroundings.

    Is he mad or unsound when he decide to jump into that “affairs”???
    He knew what he is doing in his mind,know that it is wrong,immoral.
    But his heart get addicted,so like a “blind” man walked straight into it.
    It is hard to build up ones reputation after the hidden truth came out.
    His deepest thoughts in his mind now would be where to go from now???
    Maybe migrate to Malaysia,Canada or Taiwan to fresh start his career??
    New place where he can feel less “pressure” & continue his love for film making??

  24. 梁太太纵容丈夫在外鬼混,值得同情吗?

  25. 如果梁导真心需要修补与太太的关系,其实不可能也不应该和她到小贩中心用早餐。他们这招是要探索大众对他们的情绪反应,也同时以行动表现梁太太对他的原谅和“爱”。他们能够在极短时间回复正常关系与生活,真是厉害,可以辅导那些因婚外情伤痛的人如何让伤口在24小时愈合并且尽快让一切回复“正常”!!!

  26. Why a woman like Mrs Neo can endure his husband for having affair ?
    What her reason behind for her children,for money or for love(???).

  27. This is a hard time, indeed, for a man like him. As for the wife, her actions are logically to be understood, it is for the children, they are innocent anyway, ppl hv to know the biggest victim is always the children in affair issue. We may be not seeing them carrying broken dreams in pieces which would probably never restore with the altered family connection, the hatred within the family, their life just about to start with colours, but only black one to hv. And yet, the mother sees all these and yes, it is absolutely for love, the only reason for her children is just simply love, and as a mother to do this is hell hard! Im not saying giving out the biggest forgiveness, but the compassion for the children is a should, i think. They may have already been struggling in between the adults, trying to be tough. The public may think that, by sparing the husband can still at least giving a family bed for the children to grow, despite their broken hearts. He has got enough anyway, i mean the public judgement, your judgement…

  28. wanna add to a story that is real… i have a friend who she got to know this lady called Crystal Berry… Crystal berry is abt 40 years old, but like to act cute as a 20yr old. she put in her blog all very sexy pics and she even openly told my friend that jack neo will always ask her out after each time the fan visits mediacorp’s some liang jia ban event, fan club meeting or gathering events… she even admitted that she is the mistress… i didnt believe at first when i heard this 2 years ago. but now after reading this shocking news, i do believe there is a high chance… no need to count woman no 1 or 2 or 3, there must be countless of women he tried to fish among his acquantances… quite a shame this man is so hypocrite on his moral education in movies and church but the real truth abt him is so totally opposite..


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